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Classroom Spotlight: A Fresh Start for the Class of 2022

05 Nov 2021 4:19 PM | Anonymous member

The ILD Class of 2022 is back to learning in person, and they kicked off the year in a brand new way, with a two-day retreat that provided students with a background and foundation for integrating community-centered values, diversity, and ethics into their work as development professionals. During the retreat, students examined the historical relationship between tax law, the political climate, and the role or charity and nonprofits in society.

Students were reminded that as we strive for inclusion and equity, a helpful exercise is to look around or review a project and ask yourself, "Who is not included?" or "What perspective is missing from this?"

Empowered with information from the CliftonStrengths platform, students were encouraged to consider their own leadership strengths and the strengths of their teams through the lens of equity, inclusion, and access.

Recommended Viewing: TED TALK- The Danger of a Single Story

Here are a few comments from this year’s class about the retreat:

  • "I thought [History of Philanthropy] was a GREAT session. I really appreciated that the discussion included some of the uglier and less inclusive parts of the history. This is something we don't talk about much in the field but is really important for our work going forward."

  • "I thought [Clifton Strengths] brought a lot of extra value to the reading/assessment we took beforehand. The group discussions were helpful to really contextualize why the Clifton Strengths assessment is important."

  • "[Regarding Leading in Development with an Equity Lens] The power of storytelling through the lens of experience was beneficial."

  • "I thought the [Leading in Development with an Equity Lens] session was a great way to explore the real meanings of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I felt like we really dove in past using DEI as a buzzword."

This first-ever retreat was a labor of love, sweat, and tears for Quill Phillips, ILD’s diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting partner; Curriculum Committee members DeAnn Acosta, Allison Krebs ’13, and Gloria Jara Price ’14; and our guest faculty members, Lynette Adams, Rebecca Arno, Martha Bahamón, and Dr. Ellen Winiarczyk  (University of Denver), Allison Krebs (University of Colorado Anschutz), and Kelly Purdy (Boys & Girls Clubs of America).

Based on the class comments, it looks like this will be a new ILD tradition!  

DON’T FORGET! As an ILD alum you are welcome to audit current classes with ILD participants. Click here to view upcoming classes and contact Sarah Stockton to reserve your spot.

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Institute for Leaders in Development
at University of Denver

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